March 2018 Building Industry Report
March 23, 2018

HomeSphere has partnered with BTIG to produce a monthly report about the current state of the home building industry.
Each month we survey our 2,200 regional and local home builders about sales, traffic, pricing, labor costs, and other key industry metrics.
The purpose of the survey is to provide our builders with better insight into the market to help give them a competitive advantage.
Here are a few highlights from the report:
Highlights from HomeSphere/BTIG building industry report – March 2018
- 39% of builders reported some negative impact to sales related to higher interest rates
- 69% of builders raised some or all base prices month/month (with zero of 81 reporting decreases)
- 29% reported that sales were better than internal expectations
How to get the monthly report
If you are a builder and would like to participate and receive the monthly report for free, request an invitation below: