Builder Rebates Your Way
March 15, 2018

It’s hard to beat free money. And yet, most residential builders would rather not deal with the hassle of trying to collect rebates on building materials and products. Why?
Smaller local and regional builders often assume that because they build less than 100 homes, they aren’t eligible to claim rebates from manufacturers. There’s also the issue of time. Filling out pages of paperwork on every single product installed is not at the top of their priority list. That, plus tracking down invoices and proof of purchase on a product-by-product basis, isn’t worth the return.
Fortunately, builder rebates aren’t what they used to be. Thanks to construction tech companies like HomeSphere, builder rebates are accessible to all builders and far easier to manage.
HomeSphere works on behalf of its builder community to establish rebate programs with the largest building product manufacturers in the industry. HomeSphere’s builder community is over 2,200 strong, and many of them build less than 75 homes a year. Our builders’ collective volume is staggering. In 2017, HomeSphere builders constructed over 200,000 homes. That’s 17% of all homes in the United States and more than the top 12 national builders combined.
By joining HomeSphere, local builders get access to the same rebates that were once accessible only to national builders. Instead of being treated as a small fish, HomeSphere builders are the biggest whale in the sea.
And manufacturers have taken notice. More than 80 top manufacturing brands offer over 1,500 rebate-eligible products from foundation to finish.
At HomeSphere, we believe that builders should have control over the homes they build and the products they install. There’s no pressure to use one product over another. If you want to increase your rebate check, add more products from the HomeSphere catalog to your home plans. Your rebate check will quickly grow! In the meantime, we’ll continue to add more products and brands to increase your opportunities to earn.
HomeSphere has simplified the rebate management process with My HomeSphere™, one of Constructech’s Top Residential Builder Products of 2018, making it incredibly easy to submit rebate claims and track total dollars earned.
And the cost of joining HomeSphere’s builder rebate program?
It’s completely free to become part of the HomeSphere community and start earning rebates. HomeSphere’s manufacturers establish rebate programs to reward local builders and to encourage them to adopt their products through incentives. Our manufacturers understand that if they dont’t reward their builders, their competition will.
Ready to solve the rebate problem for yourself? Enroll today.
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