March BTIG/HomeSphere Building Industry Report
March 14, 2019

According to the latest BTIG/HomeSphere Building Industry Report, traffic and sales looked modestly better for builders in February, but at a cost.
Highlights from the HomeSphere/BTIG Building Industry Report – March 2019
Sales & traffic. In February 38% of respondents reported yr/yr increases in orders vs. 29% in January, and 53% in February 2018.
Expectations. 28% of builders reported that sales were better than expected vs. 19% reporting worse than expected sales.
Pricing & Incentives. Only 10% of respondents raised “most or all” base pricing in February from January, a record survey low.
Weather. 36% of respondents believe bad February weather had a “significant negative impact” on traffic, sales and/or closings.
HomeSphere/BTIG Builder Industry Report
HomeSphere has partnered with BTIG to create a monthly report to provide our builders and manufacturers with exclusive and timely insights about the market.
To compile the report, we surveyed HomeSphere’s 2,500 regional and local home builders about sales, traffic, pricing, labor costs, and other key industry metrics.
How to get the monthly report
If you are a builder and would like to participate and receive the monthly report for free, request an invitation below: