How to Earn Maximum Rebates for Multifamily Builders
November 12, 2020

When it comes to rebates for multifamily builders, the reality is that a lot of large builders and developers are unaware that rebates even exist — or that they can be an impressive source of new revenue. That’s why HomeSphere is here for you: to help you claim money that’s yours for the taking.
In real numbers, multifamily builders who construct in excess of 600 units per year could be earning upwards of $300,000 annually in rebates alone. Build even more units than that? Watch that number exponentially grow.
HomeSphere’s rebate programs
Large, multifamily builders and developers are eligible for both the HomeSphere Rebate Program, which is suited for builders of all sizes, and our Direct Rebate Program, designed for builders who purchase a substantial volume of products each year.
HomeSphere Rebate Program
The HomeSphere Rebate Program provides builders with immediate access to rebates that are negotiated by the HomeSphere team on a builder’s behalf. By joining, you can claim rebates from a product catalog of 1,500+ eligible items from 80+ brand partners. View our partners on our Brands page.
Thanks to our bundled rebate approach, you’ll earn higher rebates the more products you use across HomeSphere’s brand partners.
Direct Rebate Program
Alternately, our Direct Rebate Program helps multifamily builders and developers establish direct relationships with manufacturers to negotiate rebate terms that are individual to each builder. Direct agreements yield higher rebate returns because of your purchasing power as a builder.
How it works: our direct rebate team examines your brand usage and helps you identify which product categories are ideal to start going direct. Then, they’ll walk you through the process of negotiating direct rebates and connect you to the right manufacturers.
Common misconceptions about direct rebates
One of the common misconceptions we hear about direct rebates is that you have to purchase directly from the manufacturer to qualify. This is not true. You can continue to purchase from your preferred distributors and suppliers.
A direct rebate agreement outlines the amount a manufacturer will provide in cash back for purchasing their products and any agreed-upon stipulations to earning those rebates.
Another misconception we hear is that only the largest national builders qualify. This is also not true. If you’re purchasing hundreds of products from the same brand in one year, it’s worth your while to look into direct rebates because you’re a valuable customer to that brand.
How our rebate programs work together
Combining earnings from both of our rebate programs is the ideal move for builders who qualify. That’s because it’s the optimal way to earn the most you can in rebates.
With direct rebate agreements in place, you’ll be set to earn higher returns on the brands you use in large volume. To complement those returns, HomeSphere’s pre-negotiated rebates provide easy access to cash back on products and brands with whom you don’t have direct agreements in place.
Our team will help you determine the best combination of rebates from our programs.
Not yet a HomeSphere partner?
HomeSphere connects residential construction builders with building product manufacturers to facilitate long-lasting relationships through our award-winning software platforms, My HomeSphere® and HomeSphere-IQ®.
Builders who qualify
As suggested throughout this article, large, multifamily builders are ideal for a combination of the HomeSphere Rebate Program and our Direct Rebate Program.
In general, we advise that builders who construct in excess of 250 units per year should strongly consider direct agreements. Builders who construct in excess of 500 units should absolutely pursue direct agreements.
What builders say about our programs
We asked our builders for feedback on how we’re doing. Here’s what they said.
Laura M. from AMCAL:
“We had given up on direct rebates because negotiations were time-consuming and unproductive. HomeSphere’s team is helping us to pursue direct rebate agreements again... We’re going after a few different contracts with HomeSphere’s support and it’s been very easy to stay organized and on top of what we need to do.”
Dustin B. of Summertree Homes:
“If you’re a builder and you’re not on the HomeSphere program, get on board.”
Pat E. of Reality Homes:
“Our HomeSphere representative easily identified the rebates we were missing and connected us to those brands to enhance our rebate potential. Switching to brands on the HomeSphere program was simple, resulting in money coming back that we would otherwise not have received.”
Think you might be a good fit for both programs? Dive deeper.
Think you might be better suited for the HomeSphere Rebate Program? Join today.