Smart Builders Build Smart Homes

Smart Builders Build Smart Homes April 12, 2018 Hey Alexa, what’s the future of smart home construction look like? You don’t need a digital assistant to answer this one for you. Considering smart speakers from Amazon and Google were the hottest products during the 2017 holiday season, it’s easy to see where the industry is heading. But…

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Builder Rebates Your Way

Builder Rebates Your Way March 15, 2018 It’s hard to beat free money. And yet, most residential builders would rather not deal with the hassle of trying to collect rebates on building materials and products. Why? Smaller local and regional builders often assume that because they build less than 100 homes, they aren’t eligible to…

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Helping Manufacturers Unlock a 360-degree View of Local Builders

Helping Manufacturers Unlock a 360-degree View of Local Builders How well do you know your local builders? The answer: probably not as well as you’d like to. Sure, you might know some of your larger customers. And no doubt you’ve refined your marketing personas to the point that your imaginary customers almost feel real. But…

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Build the Best Home on the Block

Home Building Customization. Personal Style. Options. Home building customization is what home buyers want is very important in 2017. How can home builders stay on top of these needs, incorporate them into home plans and still be profitable? HomeSphere and Masonite, teamed up on March 21 to guide you through: The latest style and trend…

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The Boomer Generation: Preferences and Opportunities

Mollie Carmichael from John Burns Real Estate Consulting (JBREC) evaluates the Boomer Generation’s preferences and opportunities for builders. Webinar sponsored by: Professional Warranty Service Corporation See what brands are eligible for builder rebates

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Energy and Technology in the Home

Mollie Carmichael from John Burns Real Estate Consulting (JBREC) reveals the highlights of energy and technology in today’s home and the influences of each generation. Brad Parlee, Load Center Product Manager at GE Energy Solutions dives into their product line and electrical code requirements. See what home technology brands that are eligible for home builder…

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A Hands-On Intro to Today’s Connected Home

Today’s connected home brings a pivotal moment in the industry. This slideshare introduces key information regarding the connected home and what buyers want. A Hands-On Intro to Today’s Connected Home from HomeSphere See what brands on HomeSphere’s program provide Connected Home Solutions

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Webinar: Millennials and Boomers

What is the difference between what Millennial home buyers and boomer home buyers wants and needs for a home? Mollie Carmichael from John Burns Real Estate Consulting (JBREC) dives into the differences and similarities of these two generations and the impact on the housing market. Kim Dorward from Ply Gem discusses the Designed Exterior. Learn…

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Replay our Webinar "Doing More With Less"

Mollie Carmichael from John Burns Real Estate Consulting (JBREC) discusses the concept of making sure that function and form take precedence over size. She also shares a sneak peek showcasing gourmet storage and “better spaces”. Brian Michael, Director of Residential Sales Development for York International Corporation discusses their new line of HVAC products.

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