Automating Billing in HomeSphere-HQ

Setting Up Automated Billing in HomeSphere-HQ


To automate billing within HomeSphere-HQ for efficient payment processing.

Key Steps:

  1. Access HomeSphere-HQ and navigate to the billing section by tapping the banner at the top or selecting HomeCapture and MyHomeSphere Billing from the avatar menu.
  2. Review the page explaining how billing works.
  3. Click on "Add Payment Method" when ready to add a payment method.
  4. Enter the required card or bank account information.
  5. Save the entered card information.
  6. Receive a notification confirming that the card will be charged for any unpaid addresses.
  7. Review payment terms, check the box, and click on "Activate Payments" to finalize the setup.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Familiarize yourself with the billing process and terms before adding a payment method.
  • Regularly review and update payment methods to maintain accurate billing information.
  • Contact HomeSphere customer support if you have any questions.

Click here for a short video walkthrough

Have more questions about how to use HomeCapture? We're here to help! Reach us at [email protected] or 1-800-274-2632, ext 2.