HomeSphere-IQ Summary Dashboard

New Builders-The Builder Community is Growing

You can find and review all new builders who have joined HomeSphere in the past two months by clicking on the New Builders button on the Summary Dashboard.

From this page, you can find and filter builders by their name, city, state, zip code, date enrolled, and the assigned HomeSphere Regional Market Specialist. You can filter the New Builder Report in three ways:

  1. Click on headers to arrange in ascending and descending order.
  2. Drag and drop column headers into the filter bar. You can drag and drop multiple headers to further organize and refine the data.
  3. Click on the filter icon to choose a filter value, or simply begin typing in the text box paired with the filter icon.

Monthly Loyalty Investment and Monthly Estimated Sales From Our Builders

Located at the top right corner of the Summary Dashboard, your Monthly Loyalty Investment and Your Estimated Sales From Our Builders provides a quick summary of HomeSphere’s program value.

Monthly Loyalty Investment represents how much you’ve paid out to builders in terms of rebates.

Your Estimated Sales From Our Builders represents the estimated revenue from our builders. This figure is determined by multiplying the average product value provided by you with the number of closings that have reported using your product.

Summary Dashboard Reports

The Summary Dashboard Reports featured on the right side of the dashboard provides a quick glimpse of your performance on the HomeSphere program. You can filter charts by simply clicking on the value titles.

My HomeSphere Builders Report

The My HomeSphere Builders Report tells you how many HomeSphere builders using your products submitted closings each month.

My HomeSphere Market Share Report

The My HomeSphere Market Share Report indicates the percentage of your closings as a portion of all HomeSphere closings submitted.

 LEADPLUS Opportunity Report

The My LEADPLUS Opportunity Report shows how many LEADPLUS opportunities HomeSphere has offered you, how many of those opportunities you have accepted, and the goal line for reaching your total LEADPLUS opportunities for the year.

My Engagement LEADSHARE Report

My Engagement LEADSHARE Report tracks how many attendees you’ve had at each month’s Engagement LEADSHARE meetings, broken down by east and west coast.