Get more out of your earnings by adding direct rebates.
Watch how HomeSphere can help you earn more cash back for your business with our new direct rebate solution.

Talk to our team about earning more.
Finding new revenue sources is more important than ever. By adding direct rebates to rebates you're already getting, you could earn as much as $500 per unit. Building 600 units? That’s an easy $300,000!
Maximize your earnings with our direct rebate solution.
- Save time and gain entry to the right people to negotiate mutually beneficial direct contracts.
- Stay up to date on the details of your contracts without any heavy lifting.
- Check in on your direct contracts in your builder platform and always know when to expect your rebates.

3 Ways HomeSphere Makes Direct Rebates Easy

Our goal is to get you started with direct rebates so you can maximize your earnings. Don’t miss out because of perceived roadblocks.
Tips for Negotiating Direct Rebate Contracts

Never negotiated a direct contract? Here’s advice from our direct rebate experts so you can get contracts in place that work for you.
Want to learn more? Download these At-A-Glance documents.

At-a-Glance: Getting Started with Direct Rebates
See how easy it is to get up and running with direct rebate management, from taking advantage of our Direct Rebate Marketplace to uploading your contracts in HomeSphere's builder platform.

At-a-Glance: Predicting Payout and Beyond
Go a few steps further and check out how simple it is to use HomeSphere's builder platform for uploading closings for direct rebates, monitoring invoices and tracking your latest payouts.
Direct rebates for multifamily builders.
Want a quick overview of our direct rebate solution? Check out our blog post and pass it on to your team.